Vartoug “Rosie” Sakarian
September 11, 1976- June 1, 1997
Born on September 11, 1976 in Lebanon, Vartoug Sakarian was the eldest child of Kevork and Marie. Soon she had the company of her brother Hagop and then her sister Aida. The adoration she showed her younger siblings truly earned her the title “Big Sister”.
The family moved to Canada from Abu-Dhabi in 1991 and established deep roots within the Armenian Community, where Vartoug blossomed and made many friends. Her genuine personality and good-hearted nature was apparent, even in her early years. Indeed, she possessed wisdom and virtue far beyond her years.
Vartoug means rose in Armenian, and to her family this was truly what she was – a Rose which blessed their lives with unparalleled beauty. This beauty was only surpassed by the beauty which filled her soul; this inner and outer beauty captivated family and friends until her untimely passing. This Rose that was taken too soon offered an important lesson. This lesson is as follows: Precious things come in all sorts of packaging and can include the simplest things – a smile, a sunny day, or a Rose in bloom; focusing on tomorrow’s gift will blind one from enjoying and appreciating today’s treasures.
Vartoug struggled with Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors (DSRCT), a rare malignant cancer, 11 years ago and passed away months before her 21st b-day. She was in her second year at Seneca College studying International Business. She leaves behind a brother, a sister and her loving parents. While her absence is felt everyday, her memory lives on and her legacy is in her message to live life to its fullest and enjoy all the unexpected happenings along our journey through life.
God took her home,
It was his will.
But in our hearts,
She lives still…..